About Marnie
I’ve been where you are. As a parent and teacher, I struggled to keep my head above water.
My path to the present began in the late 90s when I turned to yoga for help with chronic pain, anxiety, and an addiction to opioids. As I began to recover, I found that I was learning the same spiritual principles on the mat as I was learning in my 12-step recovery meetings. This revelation opened up a whole new experience with my practice. I felt better physically and I found a new peace both mentally and spiritually. I knew then that I had to share what I was learning with others, and especially with my first love, children.
I started teaching kids yoga at schools in 2006 and it’s still one of my favorite groups to teach. I also partner with universities, corporations, treatment facilities, and studios to bring trauma-informed yoga and mindfulness practices to their students and employees. My intention is to help adults (and the children who love them) how to focus and feel better naturally in order to live a more regulated and stress free life.
When I’m not practicing yoga, you can find me hiking, swimming, listening to podcasts, and traveling with my family.
BS Education
Yoga Instructor 500hr E-RYT, RCYT
Certified Radiant Child Yoga Practitioner
Certified Aroma Freedom Practitioner
CARE Certified
My life changed in 2003 when I hit rock bottom. Stress and anxiety fueled my days and nights which led to burnout, resentment, and shame. I knew there had to be a better way.
I was addicted to prescriptions and found myself in and out of rehab facilities trying to climb out of the death spiral and make sense of my life. With yoga and recovery I found mindfulness, and my way to peace.
In treatment, I was shocked to hear story after story of Adderall kids that grew up to be addicted to meth. As a teacher, I saw firsthand how attention problems affected children, teachers, and families. The stress and frustration is real and there is no easy answer. I applaud parents and teachers everywhere who are just doing the best they can with the options they have. Which is why I’m super passionate about helping children and adults make mindful choices and implement ways to regulate, focus, and manage stress with mind-body practices.
“Your conflicts and all your difficult things, your problematic situations in life, are not chance haphazard, the are actually yours. They are actually designed for you by a part of you that loves your more deeply than anything else. That part of you that loves you more than anything created roadblocks to lead you to yourself.”
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of everyday life, but don’t know where to begin? It starts with you.
Fun Facts About Me
Enneagram 7w8
Podcast Junkie
Cat Admirer
Biomat Lover
Oil Huffer
Rock Hound
Experience Collector
Travel Buff
“You will never have this day with your children again. Today is a gift. Breathe and notice. Study their little faces and feet. Relish the charms of the present. Enjoy today mama, it will be gone before you know it.”
-Jen Hatmaker
When we deny the story, it defines us. When we own the story, we can write a brave new ending.
-Brené Brown
I’m a married mom of two living in my hometown of College Station, Texas. My husband, John (Professor at TAMU and musician) and I have been together for 25+ years. We have two daughters. Emma lives in NYC and is pursuing her dream on being on Broadway, and Isabella loves horseback riding and art. We love to travel and experience the arts together! Some of our favorite places to visit include Big Bend Nat’l Park, Texas and Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

My son said, “I thought the mindfulness class was going to be boring, it wasn't." It was absolutely worth it times 10,000,000. Thank you! -Amy Gooch